Video Archive Area

Here's some of the interesting stuff to watch. The "action shots"!!! These may not show some of the best driving the group has done, but it does show what can happen on the track.

Newest uploads are at the bottom.

If you want to see some wheel-to-wheel racing, click:

If you want to see some good fast laps, click:

Some "having fun" videos and "tutorials", click:

Video format's can pretty much all be played using Apple's QuickTime player. However, the MPEG1's get distorted for some reason (the aspect ratio is all messed up).
Even for Windows, this seems to be the best player for MPEG4's.
For MPEG1's on Windows, Windows Media Player works well.

Get Quicktime here for your platform.

Thumbnail Driver Course/Turn/Date Notes Format/Size
Crispy VIR Full T17/17a (HogPen)
SEPT 2001
Too much power and too much steering! MPEG1 - 28MB
Crispy VIR Full T17/17a (HogPen - again!)
1 APR 2001
Under power, Crispy hits the river that flows across T17a. Notice, when he's in the mud, how effective steering inputs are!! MPEG1 - 14MB
Jim Roebling Road T1-T2
28 Jan 2002
A little hot, from inside the car. Jim saves it but drives straight off. Outside video is next! MPEG1 - 13MB
Jim Roebling Road T1-T2
28 Jan 2002
From the Miata Jim passed on the straight in the clip above. MPEG1 - 8MB
Joe VIR Full T17 (HogPen)
28 Sep 2002
In early, and didn't get the car turned. Decided to go straight off rather than be silly. MPEG1 - 15MB
Rich (non-member) Summit Point
In a red RX7 following a string of red RX7's (I don't think they come in any other color). MPEG1 - 35MB
Joe VIR Full T8-T9
29 Sep 2002
Joe sees Dale (Mustang GT with enough stuff to make it more than a Cobra) go off in the uphill esses Incar of Dale's up later. MPEG1 - 6MB
Crispy VIR Full T1-T2
Sep 2001
Crispy follows Craig and miata through T1, T2. Craig's car was burning some serious oil, and the smokescreen gives the miata some issues. MPEG1 - 9MB
Jim VIR Full T8-T9
29 Sep 2002
Jim has a "Oh Sh..." moment at over 100MPH... as he trails through the grass, and ending with a very nice save to keep the car on the pavement. MPEG4 - 4MB
Crispy Summit Point T9
7 Apr 2000
Crispy follows a pretty well driven s2000. Until the guy decides to watch his mirror more than the turn. MPEG1 - 9MB
Crispy VIR Full T11
Sep 2001
Crispy goes in a bit too hot and ends up within talking distance of the flagger! MPEG1 - 15MB
Tom VIR North T14a
13 Oct 2002
Tom, driving MY CAR, spins at the top of the rollercoaster. MPEG1 - 12MB
Joe Pocono International North Course T1
07 Sep 2002
New suspension in hand, taking my first gentle laps under green (I had never driven this course except for 2 previous yellow laps) ...tight suspension and washboard pavement at the apex do NOT mix. Too much power for the bumpy road. MPEG1 - 6MB
Crispy SP Jefferson
After giving the pass wave, the driver forgets to watch where he's going....and goes for a swim. Remember to watch where you are going when you give the point by. Don't watch the guy in the mirror! MPEG1 - 7MB
Crispy VIR Full
20 Sep 2003
Crispy's oil catch can was filling up quickly - and once it did, and dumped oil on the tires, this is what would happen. MPEG1 - 4MB
Crispy SP Main
1 Nov 2003
Shows how fast the tail can step out. Through Summit's T10, Crispy is on the throttle hard over the bumps at the apex. Nice smooth catch. MPEG1 - 4MB
Crispy VIR Full
June 2004
When your tires are getting hot....don't try to brake too late. Getting into the marbles (or slag as David Hobbs calls it) when braking that late also means the car doesn't want to turn anymore! MPEG4 - 6MB

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